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#9 Ugochi Enyoazu
Coordinator Internal Affairs Nexus

My name is Ugochi Enyoazu, I’m in my second year studying International and European Law. I was born and raised in the Republic of Ireland and moved to Groningen two years ago. I’m on the 13th Board of Nexus holding the position of Coordinator of Internal Affairs, and also an editor in the Groningen Journal of European Law. There is a large number of international students studying at RUG, me being one of them, and I understand how hard it is adjusting to life in a different country at a young age; trying to find your community, but also simply wanting your individual needs to be met. ‘Change is scary, but so is staying in the same place.’ Throughout not only my moving process but also adapting to the university setting, this quote helped me realise that change is hard at times, however, it is necessary for progression in life, as without that change one would not grow as a person. Standing as a candidate for the Council will allow me to stand as a representative for my fellow internationals, and advocate their collective needs, to the university to bring about change. It is essential that the students have an outlet whereby they are listened to, considered, and represented by people they can relate to. Change can be hard for all, but it is the only way that development can take place. ‘The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new’ ~ Socrates.

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